Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

Swish Swish....

This week marks the start of lent and the start of giving up things. I have given up eating everything I love in a bid to lose weight (thank-you photoshoot with models for insecurities) although I expect this to last until the weekend.

At the start of the year I gave up buying clothes....something I am finding VERY hard to stick to but I find solace in buying vintage clothes for the shop.

So there I was.....dreaming of having new clothes but knowing that this was unlikely to turn into a reality when I found out about Swishing.

Swishing is basically a clothes swapping party....and the rules are as follows -

1) Everyone must bring at least one item of quality clothing.
2) You will have half an hour to browse before the swish opens.
3) No item may be claimed before the swish opens.
4) As soon as the swish is declared open, everyone may take what they want.
5) Remember no scratching, spitting or fighting.

So basically you get to rid yourself of your old clothes and get some lovely new ones....amazing.

In my wardrobe I have many clothes I don't wear...mostly...like many other women...due to sizing. Over the years I have been alot bigger and alot smaller. I keep the smaller clothes as I like to think I will slim into them (some of these must be five years old....surely it is time for me to have a reality check) and I keep the bigger ones as I can't bear the chuck anything that i may need at some point in my life....stupid eh..!!??

But as I live in a shoebox in Shoreditch and now have to find room for the vintage clothes, wedding dresses and shoes for the shop the time has come to have a clear out and a swishing party seems like the perfect way to do it.

So after speaking with the lovely Kim from Preloved Reloved we have decided to host a Swishing Party in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support. This way Kim get some new lovely clothes for her challenge, I get some new lovely clothes just because I am literally weeping at the thought of not shopping and MacMillan gets some much needed donations.

So here is the deal...it will be at a bar in East London...on a night we can all drink....and I may even make cupcakes...!!
Anyone interested....it's for a good cause after all...!!

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