Senin, 07 Februari 2011

A little bit more about me....

Whilst checking out some other rather very good blogs over the weekend I found this one - which is basically a blog celebrating a girls first style icon....their Mom or  as we like to say in the UK...Mum.

Now my Mum or Nina Ballerina as she is more commonly known is one of the most stylish and well put together women I know...and what make this even more remarkable is that at the moment she is currently undergoing chemotherapy. However rather than using this as an excuse to tone down her normal fabulousness she has fully embraced her new situation and informed me on Friday that next time I see her she will be looking like one of these people due to her new wig purchases

I like to think of it as a little bit like the game Guess Who.

One thing I love about Nina is that she constantly evolves her look...for example she went from a skinhead in the 70's to a shoulder pad loving power dressing woman in the 80' was a strong look and at times I miss those shoulder pads.

So to celebrate the lady who gave me great skin, fun hair and knees that should always be covered here are some of my favourite looks from her fashion past....

Girls night out...

I adore this picture but the white flare are the winner...

I wish this dress had been kept but am glad that the bridesmaids dresses were not...

1970's polyester dresses....I love these....the brighter the better...

Caravan Chic...not a look many can get away with..!!

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