Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

Do you believe in djinn? Laura Eno does in Wish, The Awakening

"Show me wonders..." said the sultan.

"As you wish," said the djinn.

         1990's horror flick

It's launch day for Laura's latest novel. Let's welcome her with a big "Congratulations" and if you have the time, be sure to check out her book or download a free sample.

Most residents of Pine Hill shy away from seventeen-year-old Lelah without knowing why. It's the Djinn magic surging through her blood. She lives in a world where wishes are really curses, dark power meant to twist and deceive in unimaginable ways.

When a fit of temper exposes Lelah for what she really is, she must flee to a sanctuary only whispered about, before her family is exposed and enslaved by their ancient enemy. What she discovers is a treacherous path filled with power, lies, and betrayal – a path that's destined to ensnare her and destroy a civilization.


Laura Eno lives in Florida with a very tolerant husband, three skulking cats and two absurdly happy dogs. After spending years immersed in college but never figuring out what she wanted to be when she grew up, she now writes novels late at night with the help of muses from the underworld. And, no, she still hasn't grown up but that's okay.

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