Kamis, 21 April 2011


YES...after some crazy weeks at work I am finally off on holiday...hurrah.

For the past month I have eaten nothing but healthy food and gone to the gym so much that even typing hurt at times.

My body is slightly more bikini ready than before although I will admit that the fact that I LOVE EATING has not helped at all. However the fact that it is currently raining in Spain means that my body may never see daylight anyway...!!

But before I go some reminders for you lovely people...

Firstly the Vintage Swish is happening on Sunday 8th May at Bar Music Hall in Shoreditch and is going to be AMAZING.
It has basically turned into a vintage fair/boozy afternoon tea/burlesque show/clothes swap....totally amazing.
It starts at 4pm and costs just £2 to get in and all proceeds got to MacMillan and Coppa Feel so please pass this one and invite anyone you fancy....the more the merrier...!!

Secondly our fab vintage dress and handmade lingerie giveaway....you only have five more days to enter and it is for a really good cause....so get on it people....!! Details can be found further down on this blog.

Right...my work here is done (at least for a week) so I am off to eat, drink and be merry in the rain (most probably)....see you on the other side xx

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